1. Use Session features to record extra information
If you need to switch your focus to providing services related to the COVID-19 pandemic, instead of creating new activities/sessions, use session tags to indicate new approaches or content to existing sessions. In addition, many organisations are switching to online delivery – by adding the joining instructions for example to the session information, participants will be able to see this in the shared external Calendar feature. A generic location can be added such as 'Online' to record where these sessions have taken place. When registers are taken you can add details of the content delivered or discussions held using session notes – either on a whole session level or against individual participants.
Unfortunately, many sessions will be cancelled during this difficult time. For some organisations it may be important to record these in different ways – Upshot offers the chance to submit these sessions as either “abandoned and counted” or “abandoned and not counted”. This can be an important consideration, giving you the opportunity to report on the amount of sessions that should have taken place.
2. Add Timeline events to show the effect of your services
Track the effect of your support services on the health and wellbeing of your attendees, during these challenging times. By creating Timeline events related to the crisis, this can be done either by adding to an individual’s timeline or a whole register of people who would normally attend a session. It can also be used to log calls with your attendees – easily add notes for instance of an individual’s concerns or needs.
3. Extend your services to new people
Your organisation may be providing vital services to your whole community, not just to those who have previously registered. In order to quickly and easily obtain details from those people you can use the Attendee sign-up form feature – simply by clicking on your link (shared on your website, newsletter, text or WhatsApp) a new person can easily provide their details and become one of your registered participants. To enable and create this feature please contact support@upshot.org.uk.
4. Get the demographic & geographic details needed to optimise your services.
The People report helps you report on all of your registration fields – for example, identify people by age or medical condition, so that your resources are used to support the most vulnerable. It can also help with urgent admin tasks e.g. identifying those attendees missing emergency contact information.
Within your registration form you can add a new attendee data field for extra information you may collect on individuals. This new field can be any kind of information you collect. For example – a field with a Tickbox - COVID-19 support required – helps you recognise immediately, participants who may need support urgently.
Please contact support@upshot.org.uk for assistance with any bulk editing needed – we are here to save you vital time. On the Map feature you can plot where your participants are situated, which enables identification of people for instance in relation to population density and age.
5. Gather and store evidence easily with media library and surveys
Information sharing in times of crisis is vital. Upshot media library offers organisations a secure way to keep important documents in a central place and accessible, while the survey feature allows you to keep in touch with both your regular attendees using a unique survey link for each person, and also the wider community through a generic survey link.