
Accessibility standards

We have tried to make the site as accessible as possible for all visitors.

Our goal for the website is that all pages should meet the Priority 2 (Level AA) checkpoints of the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

A limited number of pages, such as those displaying maps, do rely on JavaScript and will not be accessible to users of certain assistive technologies or users who have turned off JavaScript in their browsers.
We will continue to try to improve the accessibility of the website, and your feedback is important to us for this.


This website has been tested on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

PDF and accessibility

Visually impaired users may have trouble reading PDF files with screen reader software. To overcome this you can go to the Access Adobe website and use their online conversion tools for Adobe PDF Documents.


If you think that there is an accessibility problem with the site please contact us and explain the difficulties you are having. We will try to overcome any problems we are made aware of.