The UEFA Women's EURO 2022

July 2022 will live long in the memory for all football fans, especially those who follow the women's game.

The UEFA Women's EURO 2022 was hosted by England and saw record numbers flocking to the 9 host cities, with a crowd of over 84,000 attending the final between England and Germany at Wembley Stadium.

For the Upshot team it was a busy and exciting time...

Our Women In Football (WIF) Pledge

We recorded the joy and thoughts of our 3 WIF pledge coaches, who we have supported on their coaching journey. They witnessed, often first-hand the explosion of interest in women's football. 


WIF graphic
WIF graphic

UEFA Women's EURO 2022 Arts & Heritage

We worked with The FA and our evaluation partner Think Beyond to help over 70 organisations around the country collect data on the arts and heritage programme, running alongside the UEFA Women's EURO 2022 tournament. Former female players shared their experiences or were honoured in libraries and exhibitions; dance and performing arts were used to amplify both the joy of football but also the history of women being banned from playing for so long and the struggles for recognition, which lasted until only very recently.

Prejudice still exists, as anyone speaking out for equality knows too well, but this summer provided vibrant evidence of social change in terms of attitudes, not just to women's sport, but gender equality in general.

Arts & heritage graphic
Arts & heritage graphic

Caterina Loriggio, UEFA Women’s EURO 2022 Arts & Heritage Lead

"The UEFA Women's EURO 2022 arts and heritage programme provided an opportunity for our host cities to amplify the social reach and legacy of the tournament. Four arts commissions and a nationwide heritage programme revealed hidden histories, provided cultural context and engendered civic pride in each city. With the tournament such a success, it is really important that we understand the impact of the wider programme and the feedback from participants and audiences, so we can inform future planning at both a local and national level."

Lin Wilson, Upshot's WEUROs Lead

"It's all a bit overwhelming and emotional. I remember watching an England match in the 90s where there were less than a few hundred people there to watch. As a child I would spend hours kicking a ball in the garden, but was always told football was not for girls and at school I was not allowed to play. To see the impact that this tournament has made is astounding and actually, personally, life changing."

Our experience at the EURO's

At Upshot as a team, we loved the tournament - from the tense drawing of the 'office' sweepstake to enjoying a team afternoon, to be together after so much remote working and watch the spectacle of the quarter final England vs Spain, on a beautiful day in Brighton. The match was one of the best - Spain playing some stunning football and England digging deep to find the extra-time winner - Georgia Stanway's shot heading straight for us as we stood behind the goal! A magic moment we were able to share together.


Euro's team day image
Euro's team day image