Upshot becomes standalone social enterprise - Upshot Systems CIC

Originally created by the Football Foundation, Upshot, the UK’s leading impact measurement tool, has become a Community Interest Company (CIC) - Upshot Systems. Upshot will continue and expand its social purpose of supporting users with their Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) and with the mission to make impact measurement more accessible.  

As a social enterprise, all profits will be reinvested back into product improvements for the benefit of organisations across the third sector.

“We are very grateful to the Football Foundation and its Funding Partners for supporting Upshot’s development into the organisation it is today.  We are confident that our new mission as a social enterprise will allow us to support many more organisations to better use and understand their data.

At Upshot we believe that it is critical that organisations get better at evaluating whether they are achieving their objectives. Using data to measure outcomes should be at the centre of what all organisations do.  By collecting, recording and analysing real-time data through Upshot they can do this more easily than ever before.”

Preeti Shetty, Chief Executive of Upshot Systems CIC 


Upshot was launched in 2012, by the UK’s largest sports charity – the Football Foundation and their funding partners Premier League, The FA and the government through Sport England. 

“We built Upshot eight years ago to understand the impact we were making through our community grants and immediately saw a benefit from the system. Over the years, Upshot has grown to become an expert in the field of impact measurement, supporting more sectors than we had originally anticipated. 

We are so proud of what the team has achieved and fully support their new journey to become a standalone social enterprise, allowing them to scale even further, invest in new technologies and continue to support the third sector to be more insight-led. We look forward to continuing to use Upshot and the team’s expertise for our own programmes.” 

Robert Sullivan, Chief Executive of the Football Foundation. 



Upshot has grown to become a global, non-profit company under the Foundation’s ownership, supporting over 1000 organisations, in the UK and worldwide, including Premiership Rugby, Lord’s Taverners, The Rank Foundation, Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service, YMCA Ireland and European Football Development Network.

Thousands of daily users collect and track participant, attendance and outcome data on the platform. In the past year alone, over 315,000 sessions with 1.3m participants across 8,000 different locations have been entered into Upshot. Organisations receive a live overview of how their programmes are meeting objectives and outcomes as well as recording additional evidence such as questionnaires, case studies, photos and videos. This has made impact measurement across the non-profit sector more effective, accessible and efficient. 


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