Ideas, from the various sources, are discussed within a product sub-team, led by our 'Head of Customer Success' but also involving our CEO and several other team members.
Ideas are considered based on their value both to existing and prospective organisations. What potential problems will this solve? How many organisations would benefit from this solution?
The Upshot system is used by over 1,000 organisations across a wide range of sectors in the non-profit community. It's important to consider developments that bring the most benefit to all.
A big part of this process is understanding the use case thoroughly so a true assessment can be made. To do this, a member of the Upshot team might contact a user who submitted a feature request to get more of an understanding of the issue.
Some ideas might be moved forward straight away, whereas others will be reviewed in more detail and fed through to consideration for a future Product Roadmap.
The roadmap forms the basis of our developments, giving clarity on what changes we plan to make to the system over the next few months.
Ultimately, the Upshot team are guided by our four product principles, these are:
- Benefiting the community over tailoring to the needs of a few organisations.
- Enabling data in and out over trying to do everything within the system.
- Maintain high standards of data security, even over improved user experience.
- Maintain system availability for users, even over speed of devlopment and deployment.